I needed to lose you to love me.
I am sure we are all familiar with the popular song, I needed to lose you to love me by now but it is very true. Often, we get stuck in relationships and sometimes we put so much energy into the relationship and making it work, that we get stuck and lose ourselves.
I have been doing readings for many, many years and had read for thousands of people and one thing that I see time after time, is people stuck in toxic relationships trying to save them. I see some people come to me in their 70s and 80s who have finally broken free and moved on from a relationship or marriage that had been dragging them down for years and most of the time, these people feel very down and depressed for wasting so much time on the wrong person. It is easy to do, often we can go into relationships with someone who is broken and we try to save them, they might have anything from drug addiction to mental health issues and we feel like we need to fix them, so often we will throw ourselves into these relationships with people who are broken to try to fix them. A lot of the time, people who suffer from such big issues do not want to be fixed, so all we do is ending up hurting ourselves and wasting our precious time.
Sometimes we will enter relationships and sadly become a victim of abuse to a narcissistic abuser, these relationships are deadly and an abuser will use all sorts of cohesive control measures to keep you trapped, things from withholding finances to threatening you to psychically hurting you, all of which is to keep you from leaving the relationship and sometimes sadly you will try to leave, but you will be lured back by fear or even charmed back by the abuser who will use the honeymoon cycle on you ( the honeymoon cycle is an abuser who will hurt you and then promise to never hurt you again, they will cry and beg and say they are sorry and you will go back, and then in a weeks’ time or two weeks or however long, the abuser will go right back to being abusive, an abuser never changes)
So, there are all sorts of reasons why people stay in relationships that are abusive or toxic or just down right wrong. I will never judge anyone, I have my own tale to tell but that will be another blog, another time.
My point is, life goes by so fast. We are here for such a short time when you look at the grand scheme of the universe, that you need to do what is right for you and if you are stuck in a relationship that is dragging you down and hurting you, then you need to look at cutting that person free so that you can save yourself and live your best life. I have some clients who have had to pack up and move to the other side of the country to get away from someone who is abusing them, whatever your own situation is you need to know that you deserve only the best in this life and if someone is causing you to not live your best life, then as hard as it is, you need to lose them you love yourself.
If you are trapped in an abusive relationship, please seek help. Contact 1800 737 732 – 24hours a day, 7 days a week.
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