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Conception spell and reading ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Sale Conception spell and reading ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
This is a great package if you are trying to conceive a child. You have a full fertility spell cast for you ( there is nothing that you need to do for this, it's all done for you), and reading is done on when you will fall pregnant, and the best thing you can do to make it happen.

If you have some serious medical issues that have been stopping you from getting pregnant, then spells do not cure medical issues.  My readings can advise you on the best way to work around your medical issues to conceive. But spells will not cure illness or issues.
*This is a very powerful spell so please do not use it if you are trying to get pregnant to save a relationship that is not working, babies do not fix relationships*






$75.00 inc. tax

Customer Reviews

18 review(s) posted (write review)
I am thankful! 5 product stars
"You told me a boy and you were right, it was a boy! All the details you gave me were correct and everything went as you said, you are amazing!" Sarah J - Sunday, March 26, 2023
Thanks 5 product stars
"This reader is really good, she told me that I needed to see the doctor as I was pregnant and at risk and she was 100% correct. I went to the dr the next day and my progesterone levels were so low i was going to misscarry. The dr gave me some medicine and got the levels up and now i have a little daughter. I had a lot of misscarriage in the past and this reader helped me to understand why" Heather - Sunday, March 26, 2023
Thanks 5 product stars
"hi Rosie, I got a reading from you just over a year ago. I knew you didn't answer pregnancy questions but after a few miscarriages I asked if you could at least see a baby in my future. you said you did but there may have been a hormone issue I needed to address. I didn't realise it but I was actually pregnant at the time and you were so right, one of my hormones proved too low to sustain the pregnancy and I was put on a medication. long story short I gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy in December last year and I just wanted to say thank you for the reading and let you know how correct you were and I likely wouldn't have pushed to have further testing early in the pregnancy without the information you gave me x" Emma - Wednesday, February 8, 2023
I am thankful! 5 product stars
"Thank you, you were right and I needed to go down the path of using an egg donor,it was painful to know this in the reading but then the dr confirmed it and now i am about to meet my donor, so thank you so much because had you not told me, my dr would of keep telling me i was fine and taking my money, i took yourt advice to see a new dr and he told me the truth, you saved me more years of heart ache and money, i will of course update you in time. Much love x" Marie K - Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Thanks 5 product stars
"Rosie you were right, the second embryos transfer was a success! I am now 9 weeks and hoping to get to the safe zone to share this with my family. Thank you so much, you are an amazing human x" Kylie D - Tuesday, December 13, 2022
I appreciate your time 5 product stars
"You gave me the answers that really helped me so much! Thank you, i will keep you updated x" Sarina K - Thursday, November 3, 2022
I cant thank you enough 5 product stars
"The picture is worth a thousand words! THANK YOU!
" Elene cooper - Thursday, September 29, 2022
Thanks 5 product stars
"Hi Rosie, can I order another one of these? You told me last year that I needed to seek the help from the Dr and go into IVF, well I ignored your advice and kept trying and just had a misscarraige, it turns out that you were right and my body needs support during pregnancy, would this reading help me again?" Sheridan cooper - Saturday, August 27, 2022
Thanks 5 product stars
"Thanks this has really given me a lot of direction now and I now know what i need to do, wish i had come to you ages ago x" Kyle G - Sunday, June 5, 2022
Thanks 3 product stars
"Sitting here feeling my little one kick inside me, that shows you that your spell was amazing!" Shelly - Sunday, May 22, 2022
I appreciate your time 5 product stars
"Recommend! The message that I was given was that the Months of jan/ feb dates 2-9th were significant. Well I tested positive at home and my first appointment is May 3rd! Wishing for the girl baby dust is correct also
" jessica - Thursday, May 12, 2022
Thanks 5 product stars
"Rosie thank you so much! I am sooooo happy!
" Kimberly - Thursday, May 12, 2022
I am thankful! 5 product stars
"We struggled with infertility for 5 years and on a whim I ordered a reading! She told me the months of august/September were significant and that I would finally be having a girl after two boys. I was feeling pretty discouraged and on the day we checked into our beach house, September 26th I got that BFP. I shortly after ordered the sneak peek gender testing and it came back with girl results!! I cannot tell you how pleased I am with her and my results
" Sydney - Thursday, May 12, 2022
I cant thank you enough 5 product stars
"I am pregnant after trying for 4 years!" Hollie K - Friday, March 11, 2022
I appreciate your time 5 product stars
"Dear Rosie, thank you for doing this to me. I recently found out that I am expecting and am very excited about this though a little scared as i am 45years old, thanks so much." Sarah J - Wednesday, February 9, 2022
I cant thank you enough 5 product stars
"Because of your reading, i went to the DR and it turns out you were right, i have Poly cystic ovaries and this is why i cannot get pregnant, i also have something called genetic gene mutation issues so thank you so much for helping me, once i have had my issues fixed, then i cannot wait for the spell to work." Tatiana N - Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Thanks 5 product stars
"Thanks for the spell, i really felt a warm feeling when you did it and feeling of calm now has washed over me." Kimberly - Saturday, January 29, 2022
Thanks 5 product stars
"I am 7 days late for my period as you mentioned, will update soon!" Sarah - Saturday, January 29, 2022

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